The lifescope data-structure is designed to be a simple common schema (inspired by best practices). LIFESCOPE currently enforces user level security with only Admin, User, and Public security levels. Currently designed around whole DB backups on a scheduled basis and easy data rebuilds. Focus is to build every component around the GraphQL API so the DB backend is eventually pluggable (PostgresQL Protocol etc.).
LIFESCOPE currently requires a MongoDB instance to run.
We suggest creating a free instance of MongoDB Atlas to test things out. When the free instance is created, click the ‘Connect’ button. You’ll need to whitelist the IP address(es) that will be connecting to it, or use to allow all incoming traffic. You’ll have to copy the Connection URI into ‘databases.mongo.address’ in config/default.json, making sure to fill in the password and database name. You can use ‘admin’ as the database name since our code specifies the ‘lifescope’ database whenever it reads from or writes to Mongo.
All the migration scripts are currently in LIFESCOPE-etl /archive/
Install brew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Install Mongo
brew install mongodb --with-openssl
Install NGINX
brew install nginx
Install node
Install yarn
brew install yarn
Edit your host file:\
sudo nano /etc/hosts
Navigate to the Lifescope-Core directory, and in the config folder
create a local.json and production.json copy of config/default.json
Do not commit the production keys to GitHub under penalty of death!
From the top level of the Lifescope-Core directory run:
yarn install
to install all of the project-wide dependencies, then go to each sub-directory in the ‘lambda’ folder (‘consumer’, ‘generator’, ‘migrations’, and ‘worker’) and run
yarn install
to install the dependencies for each Lambda function that we will be setting up shortly.
sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout devel.key -out devel.crt
sudo nginx -p . -c nginx.conf
Install MongoDB Compass
mkdir -p /data/db
sudo chmod -R go+w /data/db
cd /data/db
Run mongo from /data/db
Add remote_map_id for each map to /fixtures/providers folders
Update both scripts in /migrations with your mongodb address
Run the migrations
node migrations/0001_create_indices.js
node migrations/0002_insert_providers.js
gulp devel
Next, go to lambda/migrations/fixtures/providers and open up each JSON file.
You will need to copy the ID of the API Map you made for each service into the ‘remote_provider_id’ field in the corresponding provider file.